
Showing posts from April, 2018

A Final Critique to Up in The Air

                   Hello and Welcome to the Final Movie Review before this blog possibly go into extinction. I would have said that I would want to keep this blog and continue in it. However, according to the transient philosophy of the movie, holding any attachment to object only serve to keep you even more grounded and stuck in your own life. Thus, this has been a significant chapter of my college life but I shall let it go with one last hoorah, so let's take off.             First of all, let's talk about the transient lifestyle that he has going on. Now, Dr. Goh explained it occuring more and more during the new era where people joining the workforce are expected to leave and have multiple jobs throughout their lifetime. This lifestyle is by no means anything new and have already occured way back during our pre-evolved stages. Men were transient creatures and desire moving from different mating location to meet up and procreate. Settling down wasn't engraved in th

A Critique to Sybil (1976)

Sybil Dorsett (Sally Field), A Multiple Personality Disorder Patient          Hello everybody, welcome to another week where I review an exciting movie. This is the second last movie of the semester and I really hope that you have enjoyed reading my blogs so far. Today, we have another great film filled with enlightening and heart warming film, Sybil (1976), (just kidding). This film really makes you a little traumatized about watching it.           I am not going to lie, but when Dr. Goh said that this movie was three hour long and was featured over 30 years ago, I was skeptical to say the least when I saw this film. However, the duration of the film was actually justified by the fact that it gave sufficient character development to Sybil and the multiple personalities such as Vanessa, Vicky, and Peggy. Subsequently, the movie also build up the severity of the trauma from tripping her and slapping her to something at the end that traumatized the audience instead. The movie intr