A Critique to Running on Empty
From Left: Lorna Phillips, Danny Pope, Artie Pope (top), Annie Pope The Film Running on Empty portrayed how a family operates when running away from the feds. It portrayed how a single decision of your life have undesired consequences. While some of us wonder, how it would feel like becoming a vigilante, changing identity every six months may not be what we had in mind. First of all, the film was excellent in touching our heart strings because it touched a lot on family matters. I resonated with Lorna the most as I have dreams that I want to carry out as well. However, like Lorna's parents, they have the sense that whatever is bad is filtered out and whatever is good is kept. For example, when I have bad results, there weren't any praise or criticisms, just disappointment. I finally get to realized when I came to KL to further my studies. Lorna was a critical part in the film as she was an imperative anchor to leading Danny to stay behind at the end. D